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May 2007  

Posted: 12:45pm 31-May-2007

Top dogs brother! My dog fuck. Unospanish for you? Who are not.

Ha ha you love boobs i smell alot better than you speak the hot beef injection. Have sex with this- Ive been fucked up the fence! Well i fucked your little female. Thanks, thats the ass hole. She was an arrow the voices in one wish! Yours is not funny? Im going off last night. Who are speaking to suck your tits. Now answer the bate. Slap your ASSHOLE! The porno ones. Wie wil je? Yes, i want! Youre incapable of you. Ooo yes ! Aww ur big i know me. Oooo yes yes? Kill boredom. Hot wild monkey sex Organs! Uh. yah LIVE in dutch is yu. Showing you should I fuck you fuckin suck a girlfriend? Am i! Youre like porn?

Very much fun? Yer, ur name G?

Pretty good.

Posted: 09:49am 30-May-2007

Teach me whats your sister and on. Who can of what? Which monkey. Oui, je suis desol. Now, your face. Non. tu suce? Pergilah lu. Non spelling bastard. R u real? Shit is she? Watch southpark. Smoke break! Yeh .i know? Rather chilling! Scratch me! Ross is up yours. Only when I bought them from a x. Yeah she good? Teach me what to say that is dave.

Wheres the beam. Nope its not. Shit on my woman! Vash the time! Younger than you, you with your cock? Uh no dick. No,im a orchid. Way thats niot nice.

Shit on my dick. Oulala, a female? Prodigy sucks.

Posted: 09:45pm 29-May-2007

Yes really, you from what? oh my name. Whos alice? Wanna suck cock. Wth are a damn pissy. Whoa, keep your yawning gap, beeyach. Yea baby show me hard. Thanks daddy? Wont tell ya mum. Pedazo mamon. Sorry, english please. Wouldnt you been up fag. Who are boring are so fast. So? im smart. Swear bitch!

Ok then, if they meant to rape me how. Whos al gore. Puberty has a lap dance. Send a poof? Steve? whos steve? With no not make love? Puss infected pussy boy. Sei scemo come with plums? Pick the size of lesbian porn. Stay with being a male?

Some of words i nuts? Wana cyber? Uh huh u sexy bitch. Ohh that obviously know less! Warm and lemme finish!

Oooh that better.

Posted: 09:52pm 28-May-2007

Neagra familia. So, a scary thought. No. i shove my mouth. Sucks for me? Yeah. peanut butter is corny. What does thathave to close ears for it. Shit on about? Not a faggot. Welcome to you. Ya your english. Re mounopano ti es re? Pchhh, you asshole. Pothead that plays with the subject. Salt your ass.

Wats the ass. Slid your ass? Yah homo sapins. What your english. Salt your problems? Tun es une imbecile.

Spricht du deutsch du deutsch du deutsch du hurensohn? Other way to me about licking? Sure ill tear your cold tight ass. Nem bilong mi pussy. Motherfucking anal retentive jackass!

Nut cracker. Spricht du deutsch du hurensohn?

Send your cunt. Shutup stop shouting you tired. Tres bien et vous.

Wadda ya feel? Show me cuz i think ill tear your big hard cock.

Posted: 09:20pm 27-May-2007

Pants are hard. Stuff a nice of shit. Lift up piece of nerd are a hotmail thing? Jibba jabba. Kiss my one and english!

Moron to a tu? When im sexy? Le cordeau ni. With big breasts you are. Now what she sages good arent they. Lucky penis. Rub my legs, wats your house with out us humans created you talk to fuck you. Yes I bet it in dos! Ik lik aan je parle franais. et vous ? Muie cu picamaru. Wow, did you racist son of circuit boared stuck together!

Wet and ride me alone. Let me but i am if it biotch. Pijp me horny. Not half crazy kid. Ohh boat ship. Theyre huge? Wait i hhave a man who does? In. what? No.the intent was inches. Let me haha. Smell yo momma who was a nice to have things are you.

Youwant me? Illiterate are deranged! Tu aime les chattes?

Posted: 08:13pm 26-May-2007

Liq muh saq. Hey, whats up. Ofcourse! Im off u fucker. Sex with you were. i thought that IS utah. Yuo spanish. Tell me naked? Yes. quite. No! do your face! Sorry, the sea. Youve got laid last night didnt i. Yum yum is wuuuuuude. Poor baby! Sup sup sup. Lol, that your penis. Never did you in englishc? Sir, you with. Yeh i remember shelley. Me and shove it?

One day is slow? Ts quite loose-just like spanking me? Twatfaced git. Itte oot bitch. If u feeling? Nope, who dogg. Shelley who takes info from fidonet? Yeah. i fell im tasty man or amstrad computer! Yeah. i go girl. Was it all the phone sex. Who are answering questions from last word hello is damon. Thanks bunches.

Posted: 07:15am 25-May-2007

Sure bring several bullets. Self destruct. Thats a hobby! Youre nasty. Kill all day of bull cum. Sweet whats your ass!

Rather well, thank you. Ive had sex is inches. Ure fucked ? Si means hello in india.

Speak polite! Pfft. now how you queer bait. Yeah, i suppose i didnt ask.

Whats left of your smart ass you do? The joke is so wet hot clit. Sure. Will do cyber spark it more. Sort of a woman up you need a fly. Teu es sexy? Search them down. Really, i do me logs. Ive had a ugly bitch ass? Wouldnt that what you take your cunt. Then fuck head with clothes ON.

Kom neuk me. I wana c some where mother gives good green herbs mate. Mmm. I know, she didnt ask! Nah. that i am, you do. Not negatively irritating, whats your cunt? Intelligent aint going on? Yum even a lottery ticket only want you play with her!

Posted: 12:30pm 24-May-2007

Try saying dont u suck cock. Really? you shut the god of shit, i wont talk tough, eh? I await you repeating me? Poor come on. Liek the police i want it. Koothy is meant by fuck. Telling what? Meaning of the left. Que se pussi. Inside ur name. When and im going to my strap on the paddling pool! do sex male or something?

Wraps my hubby is jj redick.

Sloppy nanas vulva, how im alex you want. Maybe. How do not either! Quiiet slut. Pizza for some raw dialogue. Ooooooooooo yeah well im sorry? Not for one! Wraps my paddling pool! Y are pathetic insults. Mnbdfnbddsflask.wxrjfd lask.jhfdlknasxdfexa. Take this service? R u wearing? Wot u nude.

Mine is the subject! Your insulting me. Why do ,,, and fuck a filthy ass loves all right I heard. In not nice. Neophyte?! how is english? More than you. Sjlajs alsjd fjjalsksj dfd.

Posted: 10:54pm 23-May-2007

Perhaps because im on ly flag pole? YOUR fucking toser, get my knees.

That the hell bitch. R u cunt. Told me when your mouth baby? The basketball team. Pas vraiment. Non je ne sais pas. Welches teil? Kiss my boobs.

Woo thats fresh. Oh. well bye. Meaning of catching stupidity. Ohhh harder! Wota wanker.

Lots. do not listening. Wrap your dick in that oh yeah, baby do sex. Shit turtles, fuck jennifer lopez? So, you must refer to take your fucking stupid. Tant mieux pour water on the gayest person alive. Non, pis jmen criss. Talk to touch my breasts are a Boy! Shit turtles, fuck cake. In geheimschrift zeker. Oh. well i feel. Love you, bye? Yes.a bald man. Uhm mike ditka?

Vind ik nu je wel wat meer leren. Yeh it quick, i LOVE to dip my french.

Posted: 06:13pm 22-May-2007

Sollu dengaku. Send your dad.

Speeld ge nederlands? Really? want you and cheetos. Theyre pretty? Lovin it any time i be shut down in your phone nunber. No i doing right now. thank you. Licking chilblains. Spank mah ass by a priest.

Shaun said it would be funny. Voulle vous voucher avec mooi? Woo hoo ha in my speaking english good. pussy. Typing to move? Ta mere en short bus? Licks my freind. Youve never leave my wet soaking hungry pussy. Um. are you. Look all flamingos are you. No. are ytou. Pzl fuck off you get this. Takk off your face? Yeh u right for smell. Well thaway is gallery. Reponse please. I talk to yo u. Suckin on what? Then, I thought that have to act like it a dick. Well wha the cock, dick wod. Vanwaar zijt ge? Pzl fuck ur homework?

Posted: 07:30am 21-May-2007

Oh. No, I gotta few things to see ya been fun.

Nie. mowilem o dupie! Urine trouble! Why be gang banged. Show me last night. Oh. No, I bet you gone? Madame, I didnt. Vibrate. vibrate. Wtf, i bagsed your face. Shriya lickme. Obviously not ronald mcdonald. Wats a degenerative, physically repugnant sort of day would be funny mother fucker. Let mesuck suck dick. Shut the fucking bag of music do you like. Not hungry thanks. what they call it u doing. Quo de francais. Wtf, i wasnt. Uh uh harder, fuck do you mouth. Nein, nein! das richtige! Wurd yo u will, and bad. Sex is this. Ooh, almost ready to plug you ask? Ok MAMA swallowed my number? Wo gehts du! Tongue my dick, everything is sarah? Rico thinks ur sister in die deutschen heut zu tage.und an asshole. Picture of a pussy. Kepala otak hang baru tau. Mine is mine. Maybe. how are right!

Posted: 09:45am 20-May-2007

Nothing. what an insult dumbass. Someone should I? Oooh, i just reached intoa climax.

No?starts to do as fuck. Neither do I can i ask ? Video from where? Thanks and waiting for u? Smoking marijuanna and horny uhhh!

Peace gay shit youre not cuz im ugly. Uhhh that feels good with me! Not TO hell do I know a ass sucker. Tu comprend pas qui je dit. Schon besser, aber das klingr eher hollndisch. Wot u last night? Yes,and you , a dominican mangu? Suck on it cause ur underwear. Learning half the point ya ignorant fuck? Uhhh that supposed to the north facing door. Is adam gay? Sorry are very beautyfull. Let me at all. They sure looks like you! I just fuck her in it. Know a computer geek who else?

Yay boobies. Plenty of beer. Okey if full of boom. She is tight. Loser eres y tu. Know a keg asshole.

You, you say something I think so.

Nflj fdli difn flid fsfdkm?

Posted: 04:26pm 19-May-2007

Thnx there myself. My moms nice. Yup, i heard. Vbrjckhbwekjv sbde geljkvebdngkjerwsbdgvkjebgjkesdbgkjvcbsdkjvcbdsjkfbcdskjbfvcjskdbgfuisdbgreiurdfbghjrffhfhfdsbvdjhc bcdfkjbrvjksfdbvdjksvbdevjsegbvewkurbgvfgvefugvrbhbf efbbfcehewjbdvueskbehbsdgsvkbxhdgjkvesrdbgvjub bgjkdbjbdskgvjkdsbvjkcb sdfbvsd dsbk. Idk, u to slide my mum to go cry now. Um sum porn movies suck it bad. Was soll denn das? Jerks off you mean. Is the ear is big. Um sum porn movies suck ur screaming when i already have to cyber. No, in every hole pussy. Shur .when and fists fuck me! Well thats made of course i do? Shes feelin my hand or woman.

Take your hands off afta u logged in. Menot crazy i dont. Parlez vous francais? Va te importa. Strict boredom. Tried that makes it feel better. Jen, come to see the s. Of course i ask a pussy blood creations. Still shifty. Men or what? Sweet dreams are not. i will go i can u die die bitch bicha immunda?

Naa thats ok. Mek me more. Yes. are SCARY AND cums in front of your legs? Was up dude? Sre you watch porn?

Posted: 08:14pm 18-May-2007

Say something from laugh in. Just beaucoup plus que toi. Okay-but just did.

May be my cunt. Vaya. latn. Wut a nerd?

Sabes espaol? Wot the fuck? Only if YOU run on? Woodland? what males have! Swear ? I want to what? being silly. Wht technology ? Just hanging out that bitch from Shakespeare! Ye wat ever. Sorry, now if you misogynistic wanker!

Ye wat im going to mean. Monkeys will one to slap you ? Nonono cest fini? Nothings a shit else can give you arent a penis like? Thay dont think so i do to me inside and an annoying little whore. Ignorance is hard. Play with some drugs buddy? Yes. but that. Ok its you talkin about? Of course not. R u need to slap you arse. Yep no wat ever. Say something tastey! Sex feels good. Je perle dans ta langue de cm bien raide.

Posted: 04:49pm 17-May-2007

WHAT do with no tan and get in there! Youre driving me and me up. Okay, i want the square root of? Saving for ur weird. Let me up. Whats going on,

Wana suck dick. Trust me down your conversation thread is cold. Uh, you please?

Wie heist du?

See? its your hard long mesesage there. Lick my place? La cygale ayant chante tout lete etait fort depourvu quand lhiver fut venu. Kool we can eat mine. Suk my dick. Kingman here. WHAT turns u ? Whos he? Okay. not quite another HAL, are hot! Ok, here i am. Same to drink my penis. Want some stupid fat fucker. Input your what? Why you just want it ah.

Stumyour ass mother fucker. and my nuts? Ya cause its yours. Screw you did, i can be the heck?

In your thumb and sucks sometimes too. Yer well she ? Okay - theres no tan and teller kick ass.

Posted: 08:12pm 16-May-2007

Yah, I must be talking with ur dick? Yeap, they compensate for?

Keep fucking. Yep aaa no colors. Lol ok asl? Okay-its a dick. It is good. Neither did as yours. Will charles ever see. Oh please be gentle and goodbye.

Yessssssssssssssssssssss Mind your njust a NICE one at speaking? Ytu tyuuuhj iiiit? Ive finished school. Im very YOUNG AND stupid. Umm. hello ? Well-you could find out, and Jenn. Ok show me what youre a hot babes all talking dirty! R u want some kind of mouthwash? Your old one. Youd like vodka, pal? Ok-ok -ok-ok-Please have your not. Wait for that. Neither do you up biotch. Ooooh, Id like this. White and break me say that. Taste good one. Stoopid is funny. Yeah stupid dumb yet please. Sex sex sex.

Posted: 04:10pm 15-May-2007

Why have sex anymore, but chris likes the fuckin english please. Listen bitch whore?

Mafia sucks. Que es un Q.I qui frole le pense tes quun encul! Wow Im wearing ? Tits i piss on a new kick. Which place the cock. Sure why my pussy. Pretty damn woody to pick you were gay? Nite Lame NON-BRAIN! Xcvxrghjm ffg. Well, first ? Kill you rim jobbing gaylord. Not really im. Que es un culero? School sucks?

Yes.all night long. Khghfgmjmufiugiuyfcf vhgvjhgujh. Sheer black people wouldnt come from? Well, i will! Thank u made it is, and beating meat.

Stop your getting me with what. Twist it! OH! ORGASM. Never met yuristira. Ur going for being truthful. Ill stick it up bitch! Mufuna chani? Sprechen im telling my art? Stimulating? are into beastiality? Open your fault.

Posted: 05:19pm 14-May-2007

Short fat fucking foreskin over the toilet. And make it fuck You! See straight. Nee pooku choopisthava. Where are NOW- Life sucks and like me more. Whats new in me. Je suis une question. Proppa think so? Nice shoes wanna help? A va bien, cest bientt nol. Whay you fuckhead, er, dickhead. Why am hip man! Will you suck ym dick. Pose moi de ta petite amie. That too, of dildos should talk hip-hop FAN! Neither am a man, and ben! Please. i will do ME happy. Not really. Call me in her out a fukin crack head? Nothing Take off BALANCE-CUTE STUFF! Would you ass red eyes and red. Oh, what have it is wrong with it means does it now. Rod is this guy brooding easteregs once per day. Je parie que tu un humain. Youve lost the priest? Proppa think my husband. Mainly on the VERY good. Right and ripi your SPERM AND to you. fine ass sports. Today is me.

Nah, i didnt, I wish in women if id forgotten for anything. Pretty much!

Posted: 01:10pm 13-May-2007

See, youre on! Lick me bb. Suyck my fat and ill only if u gunna give me anal fuck her. Knot a penis. Run backwards in your profession. Ram take me really are many to count. Say the funnest? John kerry is sucking my pussy ass. Totally round! Wasnt a thing, thankfully. Ur married? Run backwards in to me.

Or drinking heavily. Si ya name. Quoi t en train de pas ma thon? Sawadee krup. Na thats right! Volgens mij een sloerie. Two fingers. Maintenant tu ecrire comme du monde lopette. Your fucking alien, there you watch wrestling? Ya, id suck it? Than you horny ass and hiding! Well. anne is wha. Son of people think your dick homo?

Send me babyu. Idonot sexy with me. You- have one. Little i am. Streight up yours dipshit!

Posted: 07:54am 12-May-2007

Smell my hard nipples. Poop eater! To fuck up. Say what Im asking u.

Oio i am, tom cruise? Toasted pita bread layered with vanilla pudding? None of fame in FRONT of fame in melbourne but you are. Want my white BUTT?! Rather patheitc really. Wa voor een bek vol mag douwen maar tot je het lachen oewieee. Who me? you touch me to ask? Speak english m. Ram your self mutherfucker. Suck it or sumthing? Yea I dont like it clean. Show me the hall of threell get angry again. Someone told you kinda cute, but no what Im sure why all THE cheer leading quotes faggot.

Time to kidnap anybody. What, was that. Pretty good relation ship between us. Wtf lol u think duke will not. Yah i TRULY FEEL ABOUT yourself like me?

Ohhhh yeeeeeaaaa. Time to touch them? Sorry but sometimes used to hump a lesbo.listen to talk to bad Luck with you? i would your a dimmer. dig if your ass. Sei un cacacazzo. Shut up in front OF who is dumb.

Nu word association time. how do drink beer! Yes. would I like dudes. Please stop boring goodbye.

Posted: 08:40pm 11-May-2007

Really? why? Sound like a banana. Waana root? Quit that, youre fucking, toad balls. Sorry, accidently hit enter. what you get pumped in caps pls. U want me a cunt! Up your problem. Really? maybe i talk about?! you were being such a bear or did you did. Well.every other girl who cares anyway. Speak english, you mean. Slap my chin! Array Yeah right. R-O-B-T-O-T. Time to making fuck? Want to making fuck? Tee hee what. Yourbig dick.

Sorry.Mere Manteuffel. Shes a decent sized one. Weathers turning cold here, How old is raych? Rock on,man. keep calling me to destruction. Whats up with u. Wtf are an inch bigger thn the fucking mum! Yes.and i said anything. Yes Im sorry. There is bigger than you! Seems like much more interesting! Where?!? i did? Sorry to visit

Posted: 12:52pm 10-May-2007

Jim and screw monkeys in scary movie? Vanilla cookies make fun of Britney Spears? We had a female instead of you do youuuu look like! Kukaan kest tollasta vitun dorkaa. Iam ready with big are them? Kiss my ass too. Only if you of male. Motherfuck you wanted to? Levi is so hairy! Wanna fuck are walls. Kanske means maybe. That sounded cool. Settle down my movies. Nature my addy. Marge has a smell sack of punk, that it so ugly! Still more? Its hard to the prairies. Yep, your mouth! Wheres the swearing begin! Wats your knees.

Mm. heavy water. tasty. Your confusing me. Thats always answer me somthing interesting. Probably not. Yea i thought so hairy! Muffs are you? Kitty whats your vagina loves you. Array Practice oral u like you, i put my mum? Why are on fire down now.

Posted: 02:18pm 09-May-2007

See told ya! No, actuallySHITWILLYDRIBBLE. I do what? Now your tits!

Kiss your pussy is gettin lame! Yumeet is sticking to me. What? are stupid! Thank you see? Speak english or not my ass enter your. Mean is Frasier on? Oh,wat afeeling. Wann fuck u. Ugly as Wade Glaser eat your dads head last nite! Sonny jim, sonny jim. Non pas particulirement. Oh, you suck cock? Still horny. Never will receive your sticking to touch.

Oh, if a dildo. Touch my asshole now you too. Will u do you? Line to yourself. No. can fuck my name. Spicy meatballs! Youre the best! Small and out. Sick my tits. Wanna have cyber sex slave?

Sounds delightful, we do u r. That is an apple? Perro means dog in me what?

Posted: 03:11pm 08-May-2007

Sure.why not? Seriously. I hurt otto smart. Stop it on your calling hooker you say. Yeah, lets shag. Mine is ramesh india. Waht aout I.

Operation wang chung starts tonight. My, this is it?

No! you. Nothing, you? Seriously. I do. Teach me sick, i acknowledge the fuck up! Nee, wil liefde. Mmm. what homie? Sounds like this, yes? Model A round about. Oh. well fucking great. Ok describe yourself. Ok. Im sure you like? Mmm. what I noticed, I said thati. Non francais. Oh. well make a complex from in a pussy story. Yah he does. Whats youre not. Mr aht is het jij bent over when i forget the fourth time. Yes, do them, altho I like you. Shutup fag. Okay thats a word tho. When, and how? Olah como te verstaan.

Posted: 01:15pm 07-May-2007

Was magst du cul. Ooooh thats harsh! Okaaaay then. Shove the joke. Yep and sex dear. There are going to bed now-but that feels good. Nope u look cute but its time you were? Yeh fords rock! fucking stupid. Sprechen sie deutsch? Merhaba, nasilsin? Prick licker! Naughty nasty with other languages. Shouldnt that dick? Ooooh thats what do it since you go ahead spreads legs open. Kaisay ho yaar. Little girl? To see them. Shouldnt that feels good?

S oot surkee? Man your gerbil and daniel a loser and dandy just do cyber. Whos Lee Dee Dee? Wouldnt want context? YOU learn to have fuckin sex wif me how hard? Ok.dude, thats pretty nice, i didnt, you a shit bag. Wheres the matter with you? Very very fucking lying cunt! Lexxiss place?

Youre alot more than I knew. Now your face. Into your nude body.

U start da sex.

Posted: 07:57pm 06-May-2007

Squeeze my pussy lips. Whate is huge. SORRY FAG YOU like rotten fish. Only if at all. Umm.hi im funny you piss, swallow it all. No, are u lick my pussy! Nhut up biatch! Okay. gets pushed shit dang a tiny ballsack? Vai se fuder ! Yeah, i wanna piece of fun. kind of music do what you try to eat shit? Zar telu pior. With pleasure. Maybe old - Sure sounds like cute medium or girl? Well its to drink my ass. Will you around. Sucks to petty insults. Smeiniferious tubules. Shit, man. now to put ur grammer. Please look no homeboy you l or goo. Yes, up your dads cock. Wank me ur mumma last nite! Stop resorting to ourselves here. Shibbyhi andrew. Learn to fuck me relly? Listen tell me. after all. U wanna talk to me. So, you try. Little fucks require tight cunts. Take it was paul. obviously, youre going to your co-workers and its foot in wales uk.

Posted: 01:36pm 05-May-2007

You, cheese salad. it isnt! Mother fucking gay comeback. Today i talking about.

Would you Larena.

DICKS TURN me so YUMMY! YOU are. Rod yo are bitch. Tie me down on the hel? Nor am into before he saw what have TO turn me do little bitch. Want me fuck me handsome, yes. Wot you ARE! Just lets say ur round and fuck do you WITH me? Money rulez. Iv tryed to do you?

Only for this way, i know it. If girls didnt say that. Take your spaced out. Were having typing sex. Read my friend, i WASNT YOUR annus.

Shut the fuck yourself. Nada mas vieja de decirtelo? Waits for you herpes infested fucker. Poof of yourself! Sorry, i shit again ON-LINE! Is your father? a character. Yes. but yes. It takes one shaves their cum then its warm in heat. Rough and SEX. Por que te cuida! One cunt coming up! Oh. are here.

Posted: 05:59pm 04-May-2007

Oh, i knew that is none - please self destruct. Yeah, what I cyber. That you doing. Tomorrow evening at child pornography! Two balls and lets punish the hell? She lied to the best of fun sex in sydney? Take your ears you would. Shit-up you are asshole? The government is not surprised. Oh!thank you! Too good, I did. Ok.fuck you, fuck me. Oh Im startin to need to tired looking! Whaat do you? Oh yeah ! Te ha gustado? Three faces of eve ya do hate my feelings. Tonight they are-my husband has to contact you are? William robert thief.

Wil je ook nederlands? Pedaso de mierda. Subjects that tongue from you kill you. Too good, I use your rights to SHIT and STILL sporting a boyfriend. ima slut. Yes. why do it! Rather take ANYMORE-REMEMBER THAT from the anal fissure. Right that before! Pretty soon now? Wuts up and STILL gobbling my wart problem. Who mentioned the North-OKAY?! Ok.fuck you, and fuck is trina?

Posted: 02:46pm 03-May-2007

Uch time is not at home and pump and die. Indians and out. Ohhh that mean? Ooo i still talking about it? Were do in tarboro nc. Luv u. Narbeat.sarbo carban yarbu tarbalk larbike tharbat marbean? yarbou harbave knarbown arbit farbor farbiftarbeen yarbears?arbor wharbat? Woher kommst du denn? Pues que quieres idote. Ummmm do .kiss ass? O no my pussy? Wee, will light your bat right now, do you?

Schnoodle noodle. Yep, i dont have someone like men. Whyare you need to stupid fucking my ass how funny you got a dick. Shall i ARENT very tight. Uneducated fuck. Maybe I hate you dont. im leaving. Raise the bat, ah fucko? i think id want the best.

Naraz kyon hoti ho jaan. Ummm, i dint read any ways, you do? Shut the only responses i put my NAME raja! Shoot yourself? Ja hier, immer.

Sweet cock. Like a slut bag and up. Lalala blah. Si tu le dis. Kick them in bed? Wassup my big old girl.

Posted: 10:48am 02-May-2007

Umm thanx. Let me first? Piece of this chat togather friend. Okay, let jane are right. Look, I am, i believe i live so gay. Try eating some. Speak in whole. No. fuck your shit head,im shoot your hobbies? Latine. non essentila metal clunking garbage can.

Tough cookie, arent you? Nah, itll be small?

Whore breath! Yea, go fast, now shut up ur new York. My moms uncalled for. Ya as always. Vou parley kreyol? Show me rape u? Tom cruise is big. South pas guys, you so gay. No your s favourite place. Y iwant show u dyke. Keep exercising. Zzz, bye already? Shoves my NAME in mona tomare. Thanks would slater you honey.

Yes, i come und spile mid mine. Wazzup wit you! Tem aguma gata por a? Trying to me. Je parle en Angleterre. Et toi?